Home Diagnosis and TroubleshootingGearbox and Transmission Should You Change Transmission Fluid On High Mileage Cars?

Should You Change Transmission Fluid On High Mileage Cars?

by Alex Turner
Should You Change Transmission Fluid On High Mileage Cars

What Are the Benefits of Changing Transmission Fluid on High Mileage Cars

Regularly changing the transmission fluid on high mileage cars is an important part of vehicle maintenance. This simple task can help to extend the life of a car’s transmission and ensure that it runs smoothly for many years to come. Here are some of the key benefits associated with changing transmission fluid (aka the ATF fluid) on high mileage cars:

1. Improved Performance: Over time, transmission fluid can become contaminated with dirt, debris, and other particles that can reduce its effectiveness. By regularly replacing this fluid, you can help to improve your car’s performance by ensuring that it has clean and efficient lubrication for its moving parts.

2. Reduced Wear & Tear: Dirty or old transmission fluid is less effective at lubricating a car’s components, which means they will be more prone to wear and tear over time. Replacing this fluid regularly helps to reduce friction between these parts and keep them in good condition for longer periods of time.

3. Increased Fuel Efficiency: When a car’s components are properly lubricated with clean transmission fluid, they will be able to move more efficiently which in turn leads to improved fuel efficiency as well as reduced emissions from the engine exhaust system.

4. Extended Transmission Life: Regularly replacing old or dirty transmission fluids helps keep all of the components within a car’s transmission system running smoothly which in turn extends its overall lifespan significantly compared to if it was not serviced regularly with fresh fluids.

How Often Should You Change Transmission Fluid on High Mileage Cars

High mileage cars require more frequent transmission fluid changes than newer vehicles. Generally, it is recommended that the transmission fluid be changed every 30,000 to 60,000 miles for high mileage cars. However, this can vary depending on the make and model of the car as well as its driving conditions.

It is important to check your owner’s manual for specific recommendations regarding when to change your transmission fluid. Additionally, if you notice any signs of wear or damage in your vehicle’s transmission system such as slipping gears or delayed shifting, it may be necessary to change the fluid sooner than recommended.

If you are unsure about when to change your vehicle’s transmission fluid or how often it should be done, consult a qualified mechanic who can provide advice based on your car’s make and model and driving conditions. If you’re curious, you could also find out whether can you use transmission fluid for power steering fluid.

What Are the Signs That It’s Time to Change Transmission Fluid on a High Mileage Car

High mileage cars require regular maintenance to ensure they remain in good working order. One of the most important maintenance tasks is changing the transmission fluid. Knowing when it’s time to change the transmission fluid can help you keep your car running smoothly and efficiently for many years to come.

There are several signs that indicate it’s time to change the transmission fluid on a high mileage car:

1. Unusual noises: If you hear any unusual noises coming from your car, such as grinding or whining, this could be a sign that your transmission fluid needs changing.

2. Slipping gears: If you notice that your gears are slipping or not engaging properly, this could also be an indication that it’s time for a new batch of transmission fluid.

3. Leaks: If you see any leaks under your car, this could be an indication of low levels of transmission fluid or other problems with the system which need addressing immediately. So, make sure you’re attentive toward any signs of a transmission fluid leak, as well as the symptoms of low transmission fluid.

4. Burning smell: A burning smell coming from under the hood may indicate that there is too much friction in the system due to old and dirty transmission fluid which needs replacing urgently before further damage occurs. You could diagnose burnt transmission fluid by looking at the color of the transmission fluid.

5. Check engine light: The check engine light may come on if there is a problem with your vehicle’s computer system related to low levels of transmission fluid or other issues with its performance that needs attention right away.

Is It Worth It to Change Transmission Fluid on a High Mileage Car

It is generally recommended to change the transmission fluid on a high mileage car, as it can help to extend the life of the transmission. Over time, transmission fluid can become contaminated with dirt and debris, which can cause damage to internal components. Additionally, old transmission fluid may not be able to lubricate parts as effectively as fresh fluid.

When changing the transmission fluid on a high mileage car, it is important to use a quality product that is designed for older vehicles. This will ensure that all of the necessary additives are present to protect and lubricate components properly.

It is also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when draining and refilling the system to avoid any potential problems or damage. In most cases, changing the transmission fluid on a high mileage car will be worth it in terms of extending its lifespan and improving performance.

However, if there are other issues with the vehicle such as worn-out seals or gaskets then this should be addressed first before attempting any maintenance work on the transmission system itself. If you need to learn more, check out our explainers on how often should you change the transmission fluid, as well as when to check transmission fluid, in addition to whether should I change the transmission fluid after 100k miles.

What Are the Risks of Not Changing Transmission Fluid on a High Mileage Car

Should You Change Transmission Fluid On High Mileage Cars

Not changing the transmission fluid on a high mileage car can have serious consequences. Over time, the transmission fluid becomes contaminated with dirt, metal particles, and other debris. This can cause the transmission to become clogged and eventually fail.

Additionally, if the fluid is not changed regularly it will become less effective at lubricating and cooling components within the transmission system. This can lead to increased wear on internal parts which may result in costly repairs or even complete failure of the system. Not to mention, the cost to change the transmission fluid.

In addition to mechanical issues, not changing your transmission fluid can also lead to decreased fuel efficiency due to increased friction between moving parts within the system. This will result in higher fuel costs over time as well as an increase in emissions from your vehicle due to inefficient combustion of fuel.

Finally, neglecting regular maintenance such as changing your transmission fluid may void any existing warranties you have on your vehicle which could leave you responsible for all repair costs should something go wrong with your car’s transmission system down the line.

Overall, it is important that you change your vehicle’s transmission fluid regularly in order to avoid costly repairs or complete failure of this vital component of your car’s drivetrain system.

How Can You Tell If Your Vehicle Needs New Transmission Fluid or Not

It is important to regularly check the transmission fluid (once you’ve learned how to check the transmission fluid) in your vehicle to ensure that it is at the correct level and in good condition (besides, having too much transmission fluid in your car is bad). If you are unsure whether or not your vehicle needs new transmission fluid, there are a few signs that you can look out for.

One of the most common indicators of a need for new transmission fluid is if your vehicle shifts gear harshly or make strange noises when shifting. This could be an indication that the current fluid has become contaminated with dirt and debris, which can cause damage to internal components.

Additionally, if you notice any leaks coming from underneath your car, this could also be an indication of low levels of transmission fluid or a leaky seal. If you suspect that your vehicle may need new transmission fluid, it is best to take it to a qualified mechanic who can inspect and diagnose any potential issues with the system.

They will be able to advise on whether or not new transmission fluid is necessary and provide advice on how often it should be changed to keep your car running smoothly.

What Tools and Supplies Do You Need to Change the Transmission Fluid in a High Mileage Car

Changing the transmission fluid in a high mileage car is an important part of maintaining its performance and longevity. To do this, you will need the following tools and supplies:

1. A jack and jack stand to lift the car off the ground.

2. A drain pan to catch any spilled fluid during draining.

3. An adjustable wrench or socket set for removing bolts and fittings from the transmission pan.

4. A funnel for pouring new fluid into the transmission fill tube without spilling it on other parts of your engine bay or driveway surface.

5. New transmission fluid that meets your vehicle’s specifications (check your owner’s manual – and figure out whether to check the transmission fluid when it’s hot or cold).

6. Rags or paper towels for cleaning up any spills or messes that may occur during the process of changing out old fluid with new one, as well as wiping down surfaces before re-installing components back onto your vehicle after they have been cleaned off with solvent cleaner/degreaser solution (if necessary).

How Can You Save Money When Changing the Transmission Fluid in Your High Mileage Vehicle

Changing the transmission fluid in a high mileage vehicle can be an expensive endeavor. However, there are several ways to save money when performing this task.

  1. First, it is important to research the type of transmission fluid that is recommended for your vehicle. Many vehicles require specific types of fluids and using the wrong type can cause damage to the transmission system. Additionally, some vehicles may require special additives or conditioners that should be added during a fluid change. Researching these requirements ahead of time will help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you purchase only what is necessary for your vehicle’s needs.
  2. Second, consider purchasing generic or store-brand fluids instead of name-brand products. Generic fluids are often just as effective as name brands but cost significantly less money. Additionally, many auto parts stores offer discounts on bulk purchases which can further reduce costs associated with changing the transmission fluid in a high mileage vehicle.
  3. Finally, if possible try to do the work yourself instead of taking it to a mechanic or service center. This will save you from having to pay labor costs associated with having someone else perform the job for you and allow you more control over how much money is spent on supplies and materials needed for the job at hand.

By following these tips, it is possible to save money when changing out old transmission fluid in a high mileage vehicle without sacrificing the quality or performance standards required by your car’s manufacturer.


1. Should you change the transmission fluid on a high mileage car?

Yes, it is recommended to change the transmission fluid on a high mileage car. This will help keep the transmission running smoothly and reduce wear and tear on its components.

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