The Jeep Cherokee is a dependable, practical, and tough little traveling companion. But, just like any other vehicle, it’s not infallible, and maybe, you might encounter issues such as how your Jeep Cherokee won’t start, but it still has power. It’s not a particular problem that’s exclusive to the Cherokee, as any other car might have similar issues, too. But, why?
Unfortunately, a car not starting (yet it still has power) is a difficult issue to diagnose and troubleshoot, both in the Jeep Cherokee and in other cars. There could be many reasons why a car is not starting, whether it’s a dead battery or a faulty alternator. Or, if the key fob battery has run out, or if the spark plugs are bad? Still, we can narrow it down…
So, with that in mind, here are some of the most common causes and underlying reasons why your Jeep Cherokee won’t start, but it still has power. Note, as mentioned earlier, this isn’t exclusive to the Cherokee, so if your car also has similar troubles, these might help, too:
1. Dead Or Depleted Battery
If you try to start your Jeep Cherokee, but it won’t go, you need to check the battery. This is most often the most common cause of a car not starting. You’ll need a voltmeter to evaluate the battery’s voltage readings and determine whether a faulty battery is the cause of the problem. In addition, you’ll also need a battery from a running Jeep and jumping wires.
Using these, you can connect your battery to an external power source to help jump-start it. To diagnose this, insert the key into the starter to start your Jeep Cherokee. Now, turn on the headlamps if you notice that the light produced is low, or dim, or, alternatively, if the headlamps don’t turn on, you may have a failing battery on your hands.
So, how can you ensure your Cherokee starts even with a low battery, then? Well, trying to jump-start it and draw power from another vehicle, you can try to restart a weaker or drained battery. Additionally, another probable cause for your Jeep Cherokee not starting is corroded electrical connections. Or, if you have chewed-up wires and electrics, instead.
Even if it doesn’t happen often, you can inspect your battery wiring for rust or damage by removing the battery from the car. The first step in resolving this issue is to clean and reconnect the battery connectors. There are plenty of DIY techniques for cleaning corroded battery terminals. Finally, try restarting your car to see if it fixes the issue.
2. Insufficient Key Fob Battery
It’s possible that a weak key fob battery is to blame if your Jeep Cherokee isn’t starting. You can still start your car without a problem because the battery just serves to transmit the signal for locking and unlocking. But, when the key fob battery runs out, the door no longer locks or unlocks with a button press. The doors then need to be physically opened.
A passive transponder manages the immobilizer. The transponder inside the key is passive, so it doesn’t require a separate power source. If your car is one of the models that only has a key fob with a start/stop button and no location to enter a key, try positioning your key fob as closely as you can to the start/stop button before starting the car.
3. Starter And Alternator Problems
Usually, the starter is the first thing to be ruled out as the reason your car won’t start. Your engine cannot ignite and start unless the starter turns it over. In essence, if it isn’t working, that could be the cause of your Jeep not starting. So, it’d be a good idea to check and troubleshoot the starter. Unless, it could also be the starter solenoid or relay.
The starter solenoid and starter relay are separate, despite their connection. The starter solenoid is turned on by a current that is activated by the starter relay. If it doesn’t work properly, there won’t be enough power to start your car. If it doesn’t, the battery’s electrical charge will become hindered. Thus, it’ll cause your car to not start.
Meanwhile, the alternator’s job is to recharge the battery while the car is running and moving. If the alternator isn’t working, you won’t have enough electricity to run your car. Like a faulty or dead 12V car battery, the alternator can be checked by having your electrical equipment tested or determining its workload. This is another thing to diagnose.
4. Faulty Starter Solenoid
It’s also worth mentioning that in specific model years of the Jeep Cherokee, alternative failure is pretty common. In some cases, this faulty alternator could even catch on fire. Otherwise, you may notice whining noises, smoke, and burnt-odor smells. A faulty alternator will not charge the battery, so your Jeep Cherokee won’t start, but it has power.
A starter solenoid is one of the most important components required to start your car. In other words, it helps to ignite the combustion chamber by using electrical charges from your car battery and ignition system. Sparking is used to ignite the engine in your car. It is advised to check the fuses and replace any that need to be changed if it is not working.
Speaking of the ignition system, another common problem with the Cherokee is defective ignition switches in some model years. Funnily enough, with this issue, if your knee made even the tiniest touch with the steering column area, the ignition key would flip to the “off” or “accessory” position. The only solution for this is to replace the ignition switch.
5. Defective Spark Plugs
Let’s say your Jeep Cherokee won’t start if the battery or starter isn’t the fault, another common cause of your car not starting could be the spark plugs. So, we’ll need to check them. You may locate the spark plug wires by opening your hood. The first spark plug wire should be removed, and a spark plug wrench should be used to detach the second wire.
Examine it thoroughly to check for any issues that could become serious, no matter how small. This could include fouling or the presence of carbon deposits. Or, if you notice that the arc is wider than it should be, spark plugs need to be changed. If you believe your spark plugs are damaged, replace them with new ones and perform another inspection.
Though, if it’s not a mechanical or electrical fault, it might be an electronic one, instead. Some Jeep Cherokee model years were plagued with issues related to the fully integrated power module (TIPM). In particular, it was a faulty fuel pump relay in the system that could cause certain cars to not start. Or, it might stall altogether while you’re driving.